Project Dinos

Galaxy evolution with strong lensing and dynamics


Goal of the project

The project aims to study the evolution of massive elliptical galaxies at z < 1 with joint lensing-dynamics analysis. This project performs state-of-the-art lens modeling of high-resolution imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope and other facilities. This project will grow its uniformly modeled sample over time as new datasets of suitable quality become available.

The GitHub organization for this project is:


This paper presents the first major lens model sample of Project Dinos with 77 galaxy-galaxy lenses from HST archival samples: SLACS, SL2S, and BELLS. Modeling products and lens model parameters are provided on this page.

This figure illustrates the main result of the paper, that galaxy mass profiles, on average, are consistent with the power law within 1σ. This figure is a reillustration of this result in the recent review paper Strong Lensing by Galaxies (Shajib et al. 2024).

This paper investigates the radial density profiles of the dark matter and baryons for a sample of elliptical lens galaxies at redshifts 0.1 < z < 0.9 from the SLACS and SL2S samples (of which 21 SL2S lenses are modeled with new and deeper HST imaging). The lens model products and parameters for the new lenses are provided on this page.

This figure shows our result for the evolution of the inner dark matter surface density slope with redshift, suggesting that higher redshift elliptical galaxies tend towards NFW-like inner slopes, which become more "cuspy" over time.



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